Core Programs

In aspirational conclusion and solution, Men Matter is Mission not Marketing. We Crowdsource Men, Women, and Meaning. 

How does change happen? We intend to give people something to talk about, information that can be shared and forwarded.

Compelling Content for Change includes…

Comprehensive Coverage

The unique perspective give a window on each story of the day that impacts people. Using high-profile news to talk about our position.


Easy access on web and mobile, tools to tell friends, create activities locally, raise funds, have forums and feedback. Easy sponsorship and publicity that encourage conversation.

Control, Choice, Customization

Choice on who to meet, who to meet up with, and matching to causes that create passion in volunteers. Niche communities, providing tools to support people.

Community, Citizenship

User groups, fans, groups that form around various aspects of the cause, pride in word of mouth involvement. Targeting key influencers to spread the word.


Finding others who are like minded and responsive, good faith efforts to form their own activities. Peer recognition, recruiting new advocates.

Conversation, Collaboration

Teaching tools, listening and responding, encouraging one to one and one to many participation. Cultivating evangelists, advocates, volunteers.

Consumption Experience

Co-creation, feedback, grassroots organization and motivation for personal and local outreach.